Hiho! I am Adrian, a software engineer passionate about developer experience, open source and documentation. I currently work as a Delivery Architect at Saleor Commerce.

Down below, you can find some of my thoughts. I can not promise they will all be about software development!

Blog posts

  1. Further reading on URL state management
  2. Running multiple ngrok tunnels for free
  3. My takeaways from "Docs for Developers"
  4. Avoid self-inflicted MDX lock-in
  5. Tools and techniques to overcome documentation writer’s block
  6. Build your own personal budgeting app with Google Spreadsheets and Next.js
  7. The pain of building nested grids
  8. Simply said: GraphQL
  9. First look at Remix
  10. The magic of CSS filter
  11. <T>, foobar, and other sins of building excessive naming abstractions
  12. Integrate E2E testing in your PRs with GitHub Actions & Cypress
  13. Up and running with Next.js and Hasura in no time
  14. 7 GraphQL APIs to play with